Thursday 29 December 2011

Yang Terbaik

Tak senang rupanya nak shortlist Top 10 favorite songs for this year sebab there's just too many. Despite the ups and the downs, air mata suka dan duka, it is fair that I choose to end the year with colours. Always remember that the only way to move is, forward. And no, Adele didn't make it to my list. Sorry.

So, here they are. And adalah sangat susah untuk rank setiap satu sebab kesemuanya adalah favorite. So the ones from 10 to 2 adalah bukan in particular rank, tapi yang No.1 ni memang no contest. Menang tanpa bertanding. Oh, disebabkan terlalu banyak lagu yang hendak dipilih, I chose to lump all in just one list, English, Malay, Hindi, Korean.

10. Ombak Rindu - Hafiz & Adira
Kena masuk list. Sebab tengok movie dia after dengar lagu dia. Lagu lagi best dari movie. Suara both Hafiz & Adira are outstanding.

9. Kembali Merindu - Slam
One of the most played song on Macam tau-tau je kita peminat hardcore Slam. Tak pernah bosan.

8. Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Need I say more? I vote this over Rihanna's California King Bed.

7. You Know I'm No Good - Amy Winehouse
My favorite of all Amy Winehouse's songs. Amy, wish you were still here.

6. I'm Your Man - 2PM (Korean)
Very very pretty & flawless K-pop boys. Very catchy song. Move over Wondergirls.

5. Cinta Matiku - 6th Sense
Kena ada reason ke. Lagu ni best. Tu je.

4. Rain On Me - Marc Anthony feat Pitbull 
Oh dear. Marc Anthony, looking so good and he's what, 40+? Where does the hotness come from?

3. Superbass - Nicki Minaj
If she's performing in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, she's something right?

2. Sesaat Kau Datang - Ramlah Ram feat Sleeq
Who would have thought kan? Kak Melah making a comeback. Bukan sebarang punya comeback tau.

1. Soni Soni - Mohabbatein
When I was working, I spend most of my time sitting at my cubicle but now, now that I get to drive a lot on my own, I get to choose songs to play and sing at the same time. Yes, just like you, I also karaoke alone in my car. Can u believe, that I can actually sing along to the words of Soni Soni and I don't even know what they mean. I love the music, the gendang, the dance and I have been in love with Shah Rukh Khan since he merely looks like a tasteless mamat Bangla. No offence. And I'm blaming my father, because of him I fell in love with Hindi movies.

After a long day, this song never fail to lift my mood up. Even Single Ladies (Beyonce) pun tak sehebat ini. Oh wait, that's just unfair. Hindi songs are so incomparable. Keasyikan yang tiada tandigan. And, my mother in law used to say that the background dancers in Hindi movies are computerized, that they're not real people because they move so sama. Celah mana komputernya. But, hebat kan Hindustan? Look at their choices of colours?

So this song will represent the colours of my life and yours as well. At the end of the day, all we want is just a taste of happiness, no matter what.  Next year, we will paint more colours into our lives, because it is really up to us to actually make it red, white, blue, green or yellow. See you. InsyaAllah.

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