Wednesday 30 November 2011

Don't look back in anger

I remember one of the things (?) that I dislike when I was working was that the inability, my inability to bring forward or escalate the solution that I have for issues in my daily work/task. Issues unresolved macam keje tak siap-siap. Macam kita tahu solutionnya apa, we tell our boss and boss tells bigger boss and it stops right there. Nothing happens. Nothing can happen unless. Does this happen  everywhere because that is how the system works? Sickening. I hated that I can't resolved issues. Not blaming anyone else but me. Oh by the way, I miss corridor gossips, free lunches, long lunch hour on Fridays, more corridor gossips, instant communicator (of course) and Kinokuniya, oh I miss KLCC! A friend once ask me when is my cuti, well, you must know that working on your own is the real meaning of flexi hours, but since most of my friends work 9-5, I am basically friendless.Even if cuti, no friend can join me. But that's ok. I just hope my friends don't forget that I once existed in their lives. Over. 

Anyway,  I found a very helpful book for starters like me, or you, if you have decided that you want become a restaurateur. Very detailed but easy to understand and is generally applicable to any restaurant/cafe start-ups. 

My best friend suggested this book, which is also good for the tips and how-to's, very helpful. Difference is that, Sahar & Bobby orang berduit and bijak pandai. The big decision comes from you. Ada idea tapi simpan je or ada idea dan buat sesuatu. What Sahar & Bobby did was they acted. Think & decide whether you are eligible to become an entrepreneur. Kalau rasa half-half tu, err..baik jangan. Better not. 

A month ago, a friend confessed that one of the reason that stops her from taking her leap of faith is that she is currently being held captive by her boss. You know lah, when you are so good at what you're doing and that you've been doing it for so long, the boss is very comfortable and don't need to worry because you will not slack off which means the boss's performance is actually relying on your good self hardwork. And then one day you tell the boss that it's time for you to move on, the boss without a hint of guilt simply says that "Oh, I am not letting you go". Can ke like that? Dah la kita ni takut nak berhenti keje, terkial-kial cari idea apa nak business, dia pulak cakap macam tu. The boss is simply being selfish, no? 

Anyway, since she's still doing thorough research, If I'm not mistaken, she's very well informed about the business already, the difference is that whether or not she's going to print the job title on her own company's business card, only time will tell. This I tell her, if you can do it for your current employer, you can do it for your own company, one fine day. Only you can make your dreams come true. Don't take too long nanti the burning desire terpadam pulak :)

Sorry lah dok bebel benda yang sama. Balik-balik pasal whether or not you want to become a businesss owner. Rata-ratanya ramai sangat nak buat business tapi tak buat-buat jugak. Hadap jugak keje yang kalau mula-mula dulu suka, tapi lama-lama dah takde rasa apa. Eh, feeling nothing at all ni bahaya tau.

Oh ya. Tadi on the way balik to KL, singgah tepi padang kat Rapat Setia beli kuih keria. Sebenarnya tengok pun dah tau, tapi beli lah juga. Yang tak faham tu, kenapalah buat kuih tak ikhlas. Cuba buat macam Mak Jah, kuih keria, kena rasa keledek, tapi dia buat keria rasa macam nak buang dalam longkang. Eh, tak baik, rezeki. Tu lah dia, orang Melayu. Tengok Cina buat mee sup pekak pun beriya-iya, nampak sedap, rasa pun macam sedap sebab tengok kat AFC kan. Tak kena mengena tapi saje nak bagitau, buat lah sesuatu tu tak kiralah apa, buat betul-betul, kalau tak, baik jangan buat.

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