Yesterday, a facebook friend (is there such a gelaran?) of mine, gathered his bunch of hooligans (I quote you Adi hehe) at Ruz Aladdin TTDI (where else!) for makan-makan, gelak-gelak, borak-borak dan gigam-gigam (Gigam - Gila Gambar). Despite the heavy rain and bad traffic, most of his guests managed to show up walaupun nampak seperti ada yang tergesa-gesa. Maklumlah, TTDI bukanlah satu destinasi yang anda mahu tuju dalam keadaan cuaca sebegini unless ada alasan yang kukuh. I am sure Adi sangat nervous sebab the whole week pun weather seolah-olah tidak mengizinkan sesiapa untuk bergerak lancar ke sana ke mari. Alhamdulillah, by dinner time, Adi sudah boleh tersenyum gembira.
Adi is a professional photograper and he takes beautiful photos. So, gambar-gambar yang diambil sempena gathering semalam adalah koleksi peribadi Adi. Suka!
Apa yang saya cuba sampaikan disini ialah, next time you want to gather your friends or families, feel free to contact us.
For a minimum of 20 persons, we provide a spread of Set Nasi Briyani Gam Ayam, Soto, Free flow of cold drink of your choice, Free flow of coffee and a dessert.
Gembira kan diorang?
Ni gambar wajib. Elena Hasya & me :)
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